Salsa for Fitness | Man Turn | Womens Fitness

Salsa Step 6: Man's Turn - part of the women's fitness video series by GeoBeats.

Here we go with lovely Sarit and Sonny, we are going to do step number 6 in the salsa - the man's turn. So we have the basic action with the two-hand hold. We are just going to release the lady's left hand, and we are just going to walk under her arm and walk around as we have been having her do so often. And then to finish and complete this step we could either go back to the basic or we could make it look quite pretty with having the lady do a turn as well.

And so I will demonstrate that again, with the lady's turn. We have the basic step, and we are going to let go of this hand and we are going to go under her arm. And then we are going to have her turn to finish it off and we have a nice little shape. And as you can see I have gone into an additional, because that is something else you can do in the salsa. Now as you are advancing along you can see you can use one-hand hold, you can use two-hand hold, you can use your full frame or you can use a part position. And that was step number 6 in the salsa, the man's turn.


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